MassNAELA Special Needs Rountable Oct. 25

Our next event will be our annual Special Needs and Disability Roundtable. Check out the registration page to learn more about this event! Click Here!

Special Needs Advocacy Toolkit - Steps to a better future

Click here to access this community resource: Special Needs Advocacy Toolkit.

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Welcome to the website of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (“NAELA”).

NAELA is a national association of lawyers who work with older clients, disabled clients of all ages, and their families. Established in 1987, NAELA provides its members a resource for education, information, networking and assistance with the many specialized issues involved with legal services for seniors and people with special needs. NAELA provides the general public information, advocacy on legislation affecting the elderly and those with special needs, and assistance in finding qualified attorneys who specialize in the legal needs of the elderly and those with special needs.

About MassNAELA

The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (MassNAELA) is a non-profit organization that was incorporated in 1992, to serve the legal profession and the public. Learn more >

Join MassNAELA

The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (MassNAELA) is a professional association of attorneys who are dedicated to improving the quality of legal services.  Join Today >

Members Only

MassNAELA affords its members many benefits including access to recent fair hearing decisions, cases of interest, helpful links, as well as the MassNAELA listserv.
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Michael Couture

Michael Couture

President MassNAELA 2024

Special Needs Advocacy Toolkit, 2nd Edition

The Special Needs Steering Committee and Workgroup of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys is excited to announce the completion and release of the Special Needs Advocacy Toolkit, 2nd Edition.

The Toolkit was written for the non-attorney, but is an excellent general resource for all attorneys, their clients, potential clients, and the special needs community in general. The Toolkit addresses general advocacy goals; education, medical and financial advocacy; medical insurance; state and federal services; and housing.  The Toolkit also has an extensive list of resources that is broken down into legal assistance, advocacy organizations and government agencies.

The Special Needs Advocacy Toolkit is available for download to the public:  Special Needs Advocacy Toolkit

There is a growing need for consolidated information on Special Needs Law to ensure that  families and caregivers become more aware of the legal rights and benefits available for their loved ones with special needs. We hope that this Toolkit will begin to address that need.

Many thanks to all of the contributors and proofreaders that have volunteered their time to complete this project.

The Special Needs Steering Committee and Workgroup

Elder Law Education Guide, 15th Edition

The Elder Law Education Guide was initially developed to serve as a tool to assist those who have important planning issues and health care questions, and has now evolved as an important tool for attorneys, allied health care professionals and agencies. The guide is developed by experienced elder law attorneys who are members of both the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) and the Massachusetts chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (MassNAELA). In addition to creating the guide volunteer attorneys present the guide at multiple locations throughout Massachusetts. If your organization is interested in hosting a presentation please feel free to contact Clarence Richardson at

The Elder Law Education Guide is available for download to the public: 2024 Elder Law Education Guide – 15th Edition