Each legislative session which lasts two calendar years, MassNAELA advocates for legislation that will help our elderly clients, clients with special needs, and their families here in Massachusetts. Below are the legislative bills that MassNAELA filed this legislative session along with a brief summary. To view the actual text of the bill please click directly on the bill number and to view a fact sheet about each bill click on the fact sheet link below the bill.
How to find your legislator: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/wheredoivotema/ type in your address and it will tell you who your state Rep and Senator are. Click the name and it will take you to their contact information.
For more information, please contact Nomita Ganguly – nganguly@verizon.net; 781.354.2444.
Community Care Bill – An Act to Support Equal Access to Community Care for Elders and the Disabled
Representative Higgins, Senator Comerford
H1371 (Committee: Health Care Financing); S841 (Committee: Health Care Financing)
This bill would ease the financial barriers to community based MassHealth services through PACE (Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) and HCBS (Home and Community Based Services Waiver) for seniors and people with disabilities, by providing that applicants and enrollees in both programs with income over program limits be charged a premium equal to income above program income limits rather than a financially prohibitive deductible.
CCRC Fee Disclosure Agreements – An Act Relative To Disclosing Continuing Care Retirement Community Entrance Fees
Senator Lovely
S478 (Committee: Aging and Independence)
This bill requires Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) to clearly disclose policies regarding the payment and return of entrance fees for enrollees. CCRC’s provide housing, meals and personal care services in a variety of settings including independent living facilities, assisted living residences and nursing home care.
Creation of a Trust by Power of Attorney – An Act Clarifying A Right Of A Durable Power Of Attorney
Representative Murray/Senator Keenan
H1911(Committee: Judiciary); S1138 (Committee: Judiciary)
This bill makes minor changes to parts of the Massachusetts Uniform Trust Code (MUTC) to confirm that an attorney-in-fact under Durable Power of Attorney (POA) may create a Trust on the settlor’s behalf.